
Thursday, September 20, 2007


After the little - but thoughtful - aside that I posted the other day, I believe we're ready to move on with the 8th in our series of thoughts about SUCCESS-MINDED PEOPLE. Today, it's about planning...

‘Praying without planning is playing without knowing’ - David O. Oyedepo

Planning simply means taking a good look at what you want to achieve and deciding how to go about it. Jesus called it ‘counting the cost’ when HE talked about a man wanting to build a tower or a king wanting to go to war.
* Failure to do this results in ridiculous failure.

You probably have heard it said before that he that fails to plan plans to fail. Nobody consciously plans to fail but numerous people do it unconsciously when they make no plans for definite achievements. Only planners can achieve.

Big things happen when you do the little things right. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind seems to be blowing in the right direction. You are not an animal so you are not expected to live on mere instincts. Lay out definite plans of what you want to achieve. If you don’t know what you want then you have to manage with whatever you get.

People with plans are always prepared. They are always ready. They are always doing something positive. They are never caught unawares. And they hardly miss opportunities. That’s the only legal reason today why the rich are getting richer.

‘Order – let all your things have their place; let each part of your business have its time’ - Benjamin Franklin

* See the Holy Bible - Luke 14: 28-32

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